Random Thoughts From a Neurotic Mom-to-Be
1. Do I have to cut my hair as a rite of passage into mommyhood? Prenatals and pregnancy have made my hair so full and shiny, that I want it to stay this way FOREVER. I really hope I don’t have to give myself Mom Hair.
2. Confession: I’m supposed to be drinking more water than I am. Drinking water has always been a problem for me. I’m generally not a thirsty person so I forget to drink it. I know the tricks — lemmon spritz, cucumbers, Crystal Light… but I just don’t remember to drink! Your job is to send me a message to make sure I’m drinking.
3. I’m afraid of baby stores like Babies-R-Us. We just started registering, and I had a panic attack. I have no understanding of what I actually need and all the lingo is so foreign to me. Oh, Baby Registry Fairy, please fly into my pocket and finalize the list for me.
4. I’m good at multi-tasking. I’m typing this while catching up on DVR traffic (there’s so much back up, I’ve decided to officially give up on “Glee”), checking Facebook, and reordering my contact lenses online. Can I do all this with a baby, though? I mean, I’m really concerned about staying on top of our television shows.
5. I’m never not wearing maternity clothes again. No kidding. Why would any woman want to wear anything except elastic around her waist? And when you eat too much/you are five months pregnant, you can pull up a smoothing elastic panel that goes up to your boobs and avoid being afflicted with the plague otherwise known as muffin top. Sure, it’s totally unsexy when it’s time to strip, but I’ve decided to stop caring in advance since I imagine I won’t even be sexy-ish once the baby comes and there’s spit-up on my shirts. I’m such an overachiever.
6. We got a really shnazzy camera to document our soon-to-be new lives as parents. Or, I should say, Bryan spent hours of research to find the right DSLR for his needs and decided on a Canon T3i. He’s learning how to use the fancy-shmancy camera and make use of its amazing capabilities, but does that mean he’s going to always be on Daddy Cam duty? I want him in the photos too! Can I just hire my own personal paparazzi to document our digital Kodak moments?
7. I’m surrounded by really good people. I feel very lucky about this and know that our daughter will get the same good lovin’ when she enters the world. This is awesome. The faculty and staff at Walnut Elementary School are the best people to work with and I actually enjoy going to work every day. My friends from the theatre are incredibly fun and give me every reason to stay busy with my creative outlet. My family on all sides are so excited for Bryan and me and I can’t wait for Baby to feel the same love on the outside that she’s been getting on the inside.
8. I had to buy a new bra. Something tells me this won’t be the end of new bra shopping. This is a very good problem.
9. Ooo! She just kicked. Apparently 9 is her lucky number. Quick! Baby, what’s 9 X 9?
10. I’ve read that a lot of women do the whole shave/wax/pedicure routine around the time they think they’ll go into labor. I’m actually not concerned with any of this. Well, maybe the pedicure. But I’m going to go out on a stirrup and bet that doctors don’t really care what’s showing and growing. Right? I mean, isn’t their main focus on getting the baby out safe and sound? Methinks landing strips, O.P.I. colors, and silky, smooth legs are not a priority. I might, however, make sure my hair has a decent blow out. I don’t want any of Daddy’s Canon T3i pictures of me holding a newborn to be mistaken for the Bride of Frankenstein with Baby Friedman. I’ll make sure the flat iron is packed in the hospital bag.
Well, the hair will fall out about 2 months after baby is born, the pants will fall down, you won’t have time or interest in watching anything on TV because sleep will be more important, and if you are like me, you will still hate Babies R Us even after you have the baby. Enjoy the pregnancy! It’s an awesome time followed by an even more awesome time!
Drink water!!! Here’s the reminder your requested (that I’ve been pestering you about for how long now????).