Havin’ A Cow
It’s only been nine days since Halloween. This post isn’t overdue at all. Nuh uh.
Things have been crazy at the Friedman Abode. The Halloween costume is still draped over the dining room chair, so naturally, a recap of Madelyn’s first Halloween is a bit tardy as well. I even questioned doing Halloween at all. Madelyn was less than three months old on October 31st, and she’ll never remember it, and obviously the only candy she gets to enjoy is her formula which is her breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well! Let’s face it, though, Halloween for babies is more for the parents than it is for the little ones. It’s all about the photo op, and we definitely got them!
At first Madelyn was going to be a strawberry for Halloween. I saw a cute costume on Old Navy’s website and ordered it, but when she tried it on, it was too big and baggy. She looked cute in red, but it wasn’t even obvious that it was a strawberry. Quite a bummer, too, since the selection was in honor of her daddy’s favorite food!
While at Costco, I saw costumes by Carters and they were adorable! They must have been all the rage this year, because according to Facebook photos, it looks like most babies and kids wore a variation of a Carters animal costume for Halloween. Color us trendy, because Madelyn looked moooootiful in her cow costume!

Although, I have to wonder, is it a little meta that Madelyn drinks milk while she’s in her cow costume? She seemed to enjoy her bottle of formula with extra zest that day. I wonder if she finally understood “you are what you eat” in its truest sense.
Since I haven’t cared about Halloween since college, I really got into the spirit this year since I now had a reason to participate. I baked Halloween cupcakes and made yummy Oreo cookie bars. I even made Bryan dress up with me as Madelyn’s little farmer/cowboy caretakers. I couldn’t decide if we were farmers or cowboys, so I interpret us as a hybrid of such noble professions.
Oh, and we decided that the cowboy farm specialized in pumpkins as well as cows. Hey, it’s two ingredients in to having a full-blown pumpkin pie.
I couldn’t wait to bring her over to her friend Brielle’s house (who made the cutest ladybug!) so we could have a mini Halloween party with our families. We enjoyed good food and lots of playtime. We ventured out to a few houses in Brielle’s neighborhood which is in the same community as my elementary school. I went trick-or-treating there as a kid, and it was fun to carry the tradition over for Madelyn as we started our own new tradition with Brielle and her parents! The babies, um, we got some candy and just before dusk, we came back home and 7-month-old Brielle went to sleep.
We always have such a fun time with Brielle’s mommy and daddy. I’ve known Brielle’s mommy since we were kids and we are having so much fun with our baby girls!