The Many Faces Of Madelyn
Sometimes I wonder if Madelyn knows what our real faces look like. You know, the actual faces with a nose and mouth and a couple eyes and cheeks. Because it’s really quite possible that to her, my face is a black, shiny rectangle with a reflective apple. I mean, I ALWAYS have the iPhone in front of my face to read Facebook take photos of all her shenanigans.
Recently, we were traipsing through Bed, Bath & Beyond, one of our favs (hel-lo?! Coupons!), and Madelyn was getting a little squirmy in the cart. She kept grabbing at my sunglasses and not being in the mood to provide alternative entertainment, I obliged and gave her my sunglasses.
She proceeded to play with them and pose with them so how could I pass up a moment to snap away? I could not stop giggling at her faces and she soon drew a crowd of fans who enjoyed her antics. Sorry about the traffic jam near the pots and pans, BB&B!
I think she has a thing for accessories. Should we be scared?
The $16 sunglasses from Target are now at large near, I believe, the Pyrex dishes. Good thing I don’t buy expensive shades!